NE555 Frequency Adjustable...
This is a square wave pulse generator module based on the ubiquitous NE555 timer IC. The...
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This is a square wave pulse generator module based on the ubiquitous NE555 timer IC. The...
This module has been designed as an alternative to the PIR motion detectors commonly used in...
This development/breakout board (HCDVBD0034) is based around the ST Microelectronics S103F3P6...
This development/breakout board (HCDVBD0032) is based around the ST Microelectronics...
This item (HC3DPR0038) is a breakout out / adapter board for the low cost A4988 stepper motor...
This module uses an array of transistors with pullup resistors to provide an 8 channel...
A two channel relay module (HCMODU0115) featuring 2x solid state relays. This module is...
A single channel relay module (HCMODU0114) featuring a single solid state relay. This module...
This temperature sensor and module makes use of the Maxim MAX6675 K-Thermocouple to digital...
This kit is comprised of various dupont housings and pins and is excellent for electronics...
This large collection of heatshrink tubing comes in 8 sizes and 5 colours. The tubing will...