D1 (R2) ESP8266 Development...
The WeMos D1 R2 Uno based ESP8266 a wireless 802.11 (Wifi) microcontroller development board...
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The WeMos D1 R2 Uno based ESP8266 a wireless 802.11 (Wifi) microcontroller development board...
A compact but high powered DC-DC step-up (boost) power supply converter module. It features a...
This amazingly priced wireless module allows any microcontroller to connect to a 802.11b/g/n...
This item is a wireless 4 channel remote controlled module with a battery operated transmitter...
This bundle consists of two speed encoder photoelectric pulse output modules. The HC-020K...
The DHT21 digital temperature sensor is one of the commonest from the range of DHT temperature...
This version of LM2596 DC-DC step-down (buck) power supply module includes the very useful...
This adapter board is designed specifically for the ESP8266 ESP-07, ESP-08 and ESP-12 2.4GHz...
Plastic case containing an assortment of 3mm and 5mm LEDs, switches and resistors. The bundle...
Compatible with DS18B20. Please note that this sensor does not support parasitic mode.
...MG90S is a metal geared version of the extremely popular MG90 9g servo. The servo has a...