• DS05-NFC 360 degree servo
  • DS05-NFC 360 degree servo

DS05-NFC 360 degree servo

VAT included

The DS05-NFC high torque servo (HCROBO0050) is able to rotate continuously in full 360 rotations in both forward (clockwise) and reverse (anti-clockwise) directions. It will accept standard servo signals for its input meaning it can be driven from just one 5V digital pin of a microcontroller. A pulse-width of 1ms will turn the servo at full reverse speed...



The DS05-NFC high torque servo (HCROBO0050) is able to rotate continuously in full 360 rotations in both forward (clockwise) and reverse (anti-clockwise) directions. It will accept standard servo signals for its input meaning it can be driven from just one 5V digital pin of a microcontroller. A pulse-width of 1ms will turn the servo at full reverse speed, and 2ms pulse width will turn the servo at full forward speed. Any pulse width between these two will proportionally set the speed between full forwards and backwards rotation.

The servo is also supplied with accessories including fixing screws and several servo arms (see image).


Item number: HCROBO0050
Model number: DS05-NFC
Weight: 39g
Body dimensions: 40.8 x 20 x 39.5mm
Torque: 5.5kg/cm (at 4.8V)
Speed: 0.22sec/60° (at 4.8V)
Operating voltage: 4.8v - 5.5v
Operating temperature: 0°C - 60oC
Current: < 1000mA



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