SmartRFy Sensor Module
The SmartRFy sensor module adds the option to remotely monitor various sensors via a SmartRFy...
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The SmartRFy sensor module adds the option to remotely monitor various sensors via a SmartRFy...
The SmartRFy digital Rx module provides a set of 4 digital output pins which can be remotely...
The SmartRFy digital Tx module provides a set of 4 digital input pins which can be used to...
The Hobby Components breakout shield is a quick and low cost way to add extra pin access to...
The Hobby Components prototyping shield for the Arduino Mega allows you to add your own custom...
Sonoff is an affordable ESP8266 based device that provides users with smart home control. It...
The SmartLCD Keypad Kit is an optional add-on for the Hobby Components SmartLCD (HCMODU0122)....
The 1602 SmartLCD module is a serially controlled 2 line by 16 character alphanumeric LCD...
This prototyping/programming board is designed for use with the Atmel ATMega48P, ATMega168P,...
This amazingly priced wireless module allows any microcontroller to connect to a 802.11b/g/n...